
how to create candlestick chart in excel 2007

12-08-2016,11:20 PM #1

Navin Agrawal is offline

Forum Contributor

Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart

Hello friends,

I am trying to plot a chart which is a combination of Japanese Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart...

I am attaching a data sheet which has the following columns:

Open, High, Low, Close (for Candlestick chart)
High Line & Low Line (for line chart)

I know how to create Japanese Candle Stick Chart & Line Chart SEPARATELY but not as a combined chart.

Can someone help me please with steps on how I can make a single chart....

12-09-2016,11:46 AM #2

Re: Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart

Short answer - You can't put both in single chart.

Long solution:

1. Create both chart separately.
2. Select one of chart, Format Chart Area, set to "No fill" with transparency set to 100%.
3. Adjust axis to match Min & Max Bounds along with Units
4. Adjust size and place on top of the other.

See attached.

12-09-2016,12:15 PM #3

Re: Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart

I am more optimistic than CK76 that you can create this as a single combination chart. The thing to recognize is that a candlestick chart is very similar to a box and whiskers chart which is essentially a stacked column chart in Excel, and it is relatively easy to create a stacked column + line combination chart. This tutorial ( ) goes through the basic procedure for creating a box and whisker's + line combination chart, and should be easily adapted to your desired candlestick + line combination chart.

Quote Originally Posted by shg

Mathematics is the native language of the natural world. Just trying to become literate.

12-09-2016,01:40 PM #4

Re: Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart

Ah, yes. If stacked column chart is used as basis for Stock Chart/Candle Chart (not the built-in stock chart), it should be doable. Create 2 separate charts then copy and paste one to the other and adjust settings as needed.

09-30-2019,01:28 AM #5

omegastripes is offline

Registered User

Re: Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart

Take a look at the attached file, there is a Candle Stick Chart with Line Chart created in Excel 2010. To build the chart I added all data series as line chart, moved the series for candle stick (open, high, low, close) to the secondary axis, added high-low lines and up-down bars, made line charts on the secondary axis invisible, then setup primary and secondary vertical and horizontal axes, colors, etc.

how to create candlestick chart in excel 2007


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